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Does This Horoscope Fit Your Squad Goals?

Squad /skwäd/: Crew, team, woes, posse, gang: often an informal group of individuals with a common identity and a sense of solidarity. This term is commonly used more in text, tweets, or captions rather than face to face conversation.

Each sign has it's high and lows, some we can live with and others that we can live without. I'm sure I stand correct when I say we all have at least one friend that thinks they're always right, one that's bougie and beyond, one that's artsy, one that's all about their shmoney, and the one that you square up with at least five times in a single conversation. Yet, the truth is as crazy as it may seems you get them and they're a vital part when it comes to your life and balance. We're going to break down your squad from top to bottom with each zodiac sign.


Aquarius (January 20th-February 18)

Aquarius are probably the top water sign. Though they are very indecisive, moody, and have some of the smartest mouths they make some of the best friends. Aquarius are very compassionate, they literally apply their feelings to just about everything which can be good and bad in certain circumstances. Our watery friend is the biggest lover but the worst thing you can do is rub them the wrong way. 1.) You will not hear the end of it. 2.) It'll be a friend that you'll definitely miss if you ever lost them. I'm sure you can agree that this is the friend you've finessed the most with out of the whole team. They're lifers, they'll give you the shirt off of their back, if you're a broke college student in need of a 4 for 4 they cashapp'd you first, and if they have $500 you have $500.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces are too cool for their own good. This is the friend out of the squad that is cool with everybody. One thing that Pisces have bad is they wear their tough exterior so hard that it's almost unfathomable to see them in their feelings. They wear armor to the world, but their heart under their sleeves. Reasons why their essential to the squad is they literally thrive from life experiences some of their own and some from simply watching others. From heart aches to joy and dreams to fears, they look at everything as a lesson and absorb it. Even if they're drowning in emotions, they're bound to stay grounded. A good friend to learn from when needing to find balance in chaos. In times where many would snap they keep it G.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Remember when I said you'll have that friend that you'll square up with at least a good five times before the smoke is cleared? This is the one. I must admit, an Aries is essential to any friendship period. Though they may come across as more rude than blunt, and unapologetic for they way they feel, there's a few pros to their madness. Your Aries friend is going to be the first to tell you about yourself before any outsider ever gets the chance to. They may cross a line with you that may be fighting worthy but they're trained to go if anyone outside of your friend group tries you. Aries dive head first into conflict and conquer it with a smile. They are passionate about who and what they love. This friend will also make sure your fit is clean before stepping in the function. Keep an Aries in your circle. Disclosure: When talking to your Aries friend, keep the details to a minimum they get frustrated.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Taurus, nine times out of ten this is your spoiled friend. Taurus get pleasure from luxury and comfort and love to indulge in love, beauty, and money. The only downfall about our oxen friend is that they're very prideful and there's no way that you'll ever convince them that they're wrong. Warning: Friend may play the victim often. This friend may also be a homebody yet when it's time to get focus and secure the bag they will come in handy. If this friend ever says that they're broke they're lying, they save every chance that they get.

Gemini ( May 21-June 20)

Gemini, Gemini, Gemini. They're the well-rounded friend, they never meet a stranger and can talk about anything. They master the art of juggling everything from hobbies, careers, even relationships. Geminis are smooth talkers and easy to fall for. On the other hand they can be very confusing and always seem like they have a hidden agenda that can seem a bit "two faced". On the bright side, Geminis are very adventurous and always up to try something new. When starting a new venture run it by them, they're guaranteed to be on board. Note: Don't play fight with this friend, they play too much.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The epitome of "they're cool once they get to know you". When first meeting cancers they are mad standoffish but it is merely to protect themselves. They need to fully know someone's end game before giving off their great attributes. Once they open up you guys are inseparable and they'll take on the role as the nurturing friend. Cancers love hard, they'll do anything to protect family most importantly and those that they surround themselves with. If you think you'll have another best friend? Yeah, that's dead. Cancers can be very controlling.

Leo (July 23- August 22)

Rambunctious, confident, and outspoken. Leos are hard not to love as friends. They are always up for a good time, supportive, and supply endless laughs and good vibes. They put their heart into all of their relationships and are well dedicated. Until they feel threatened. Getting on their bad side is like living hell and their cold shoulder is the worst. The downfall about our bighearted friend is they can get blinded by their own ego, jealousy, and when the focus isn't on them they feel threatened. Their firecracker spirit and arrogance would be their demise. However, Leos love to see those around them succeed and they'll support you until the end. Just whatever you do don't make them mad.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The overly cautious, paranoid friend. They are perfectionist by nature and tend to pay very close attention to detail. I find Virgos constantly chasing after the ideal in things but they fail to realize that their imperfections is what makes them beautiful. Virgo you're doing amazing love.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

If you thought your Taurus friend was bougee wait until they meet the Libra. Similar to the Taurus, Libras gain pleasure in luxurious living. This is the high fashion friend. There will never be a time where a Libra is not in their best fit. Libras are also the boo'd up friend, they're normally with their girlfriend or boyfriend and should they have one best believe their partner matches their fly. Only flaw about them is they often forget to channel their focus on those that matter rather than keeping those admired from a far. Note: DO NOT trust a Libra when they say they'll be wearing chill attire. It's a lie, they're dressed for the Met Gala.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios are definitely fight worthy, they surpass the square up mark. Scorpios are the "on again off again"friend. They possess a different kind of fire in them, which is good in a lot of cases. They are known for their high emotions and strong personalities which can be good and bad. Only flaw is you can never tell them their wrong and every minuet situation always has to spiral out of portion until they get their point across. Note: To keep it civil just let them think they're right even if you known they are wrong it'll end the conversation sooner. On the bright side, Scorpios are usually very knowledgeable on various topics. If you ever need to know the answer to something, they are guaranteed to have it.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You can't go wrong with a Sagittarius. Period. They're the nonchalant friend. Sagittarius can barely find a care to give so if you strike them the wrong way some self-evaluation has to be brought to the table. They are awesome listeners and will provide honest feedback, there is absolutely not sugarcoating in their blood. They always have a joke or slick remark to brighten the mood however be careful the same thing that will make you smile will make you cry. Note: Don't text them paragraphs. They will either not respond or not read it at all.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorns are the business savvy friends. There is never a time that they aren't planning and/or executing a master plan. Once they find something that they like they stick to it and find ways to build on it. They are no stranger when it comes to conquering hardships. Capricorns are compassionate and emotional in their own way. Yet they can be very stubborn, indecisive, and even short-tempered at times but like myself we're worth every headache. Capricorn also have a tendency to let their goals control their focus on outside things. They need a constant reminder to not get so tied up in their work that they shy away from those that matter. Not every success is gained in awards or monetary value, the small things matter most. Note: If you need to turn $100 into $1000, the Capricorn friend is the one to turn to.

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